Trap Malware Spread Via Pornographic Video on Facebook
The video was disseminated through Facebook Group. Unlike other malware that spreads via a message on the Wall on Facebook. Link to the video was spread by exploiting a URL Shortener If clicked, the victim will be brought to the blog pages that are specially made for this purpose. The site was created similar to YouTube and show a video that is not too vulgar. A hand was in front of the female breast, angle shooting him as if he were holding the "sensitive".
The problem is when the page opens a pop-up that asks users to install an application called YouTube Player. If clicked, the user will be prompted to install Add On for Firefox or Google Chrome. Actually, Chrome or Firefox already gave a warning about installing this extension. However, many users are accustomed to ignore the warning. By automatic, the extension would make the victim a Facebook account to post his message for distributing malware to Group Facebook that you follow. In addition, he also registered a Facebook account to multiple Apps victim.
If you already be a victim, suggested to perform these steps:
- Immediately delete / remove Add on / extension installed.
- Change password facebook
- Log into your group and delete the posts that follow do on your behalf and inform the group members to be careful.
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