Facebook 2.1 for BlackBerry PlayBook, Introduces New Features

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Facebook users can now enjoy the look up with a different look at the BlackBerryPlaybook, Facebook for BlackBerry Playbook updated to version 2.1 by adding several new features, The first is the Facebook Group. Now we can examine the text, images, and video with a more appealing notifications.We also will get a notification when a new post within a group. Media access for the better too. Now we can see pictures of friends and video clips on the right on our Facebook profile. Uploading images and videos are also now easier with the presence of a special notification. The last big update was over the summer, which included place check-ins and events.

Facebook on the PlayBook was a bit of a big deal when it first came out, since it was the first tablet-optimized app for the ubiquitous social network. Since then, Facebook has since launched an iPad app, and though we’re still waiting on an Android Honeycomb version.

You can snag the updated version of Facebook in the App World. 


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