Tips For Maximizing Features Android Ice Cream Sandwich

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Android Tips this time is reserved for OS Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich which is significantly different from all preceding versions and final versions (Gingerbread /Honeycomb), where some of the settings have been moved so it turned into more multitasking, launcher is overhauled and much more.

When using the Android OS long you may have to customize so that you truly master your Android device, but after upgrading to OS Ice Cream Sandwich, you can not apply the same way due customize many changes as mentioned above. The following are tips to maximize and customize Android features the latest Ice Cream Sandwich. 
1. Use the launcher from a third party because it allows you to display more icons on the homescreen and the app drawer. In the standard version of Android Ice Cream Sandwich, homescreen display will consist of 16 icons and 20 icons on the app drawer. Android Tips using launcher from a third party, the example uses Launcher Pro, homescreen and the app drawer can display 30 icons with a smaller size. 

2. Change the location of animation setting in Developer Options.  
  • In previous versions of Android, setting animation lies in the Settings>> Display>> Animation. On Android Ice Cream Sandwich, setting animation changed the location to be in the Settings>> Developer Options>> Window scale animation and animation Transition scale. 
  • Then the choice of setting off increased to Animation, Animation scale.5x, Animation scale 1x, 1.5x scale Animation, Animation scale 2x, 5x and Animation Animation scale 10x scale. You could try setting it to know the function of each.
3.  In Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich lockscreen you can completely eliminate that allows you to directly use the Android device without having to slide to unlock.
  •  On Android Ice Cream Sandwich You can access the screen lock option on the Settings>> Security>> Screen lock. And here you'll find options on how to lock the Android device that you want.
  • Options in older versions of None, Pattern, PIN, Password. On Android Ice Cream Sandwich choices increased to None, Slide, Face unlock, Pattern, PIN, Password. While the newest option is Slide and Face Unlock. Unlock features Face serves to unlock the screen using the user's face detection, although many of those who claim that this feature is still not perfect.
  • Features slide is actually the old feature where you can slide to unlock screen with virtual buttons. But the reason why the settings menu is added, because the choice of Ice Cream Sandwich None on making all the screen lock is active.
  • In old versions of the Android OS settings when you select None, when you press the power button / lock you still have to unlock the screen with a slide. In Ice Cream Sandwich, if you choose None, to activate and deactivate the screen simply by pressing the power / lock only.  
4. Gesture swipe features to remove not only works on the browser to close the tab, but also serves on the multitasking menu to remove the program from memory.

5. Device settings disappeared, when in fact been transferred to the phone app.

 Android Tips number four and five above would be better described with the following video


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