Black Rock Shooter Series to Premiere on February 2012
Black Rock Shooter anime franchise has inspired the creation of original video anime (OVA) by Shinobu Yoshioka, as well as action figures and games. At its OVA, the story is the focus of Mato Kuroi, and Takanashi Yomi. One day, Yomi disappear and some time afterwards Mato receiving blank text messages from Yomi, and then went to his favorite place to find a phone hanger gift.
Strap the phone began to shine and bring Mato into a foreign world, that unite with a mysterious girl named Black Rock Shooter. Mysterious girl has blue eyes light up left, and a stone thrower cannon, which can do 20 shots per second. Along with his quest for Yomi, Mato fused with the Black Rock Shooter and dueled with Yomi who was possessed by the devil.
The series is directed by Shinobu Yoshioka (Black Rock Shooter OVA), with texts claim Mari Okada (AnoHana, Hourou Musuko). While the character design done Yusuje Yoshigaki, by adapting the original design animated Huke's Black Rock Shooter.
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